Data extraction from eCommerce websites often require multiple images of products to be scraped from product details page. The following method can be used if directly clicking on the images and selecting Capture Image option does not work.

1. Click on the first thumbnail image displayed besides the main/large product image on the product details page.

2. From the resulting Capture window, select More Options > Capture More Content (one or more times as required). The idea here is to ensure that the HTML of the selected portion/content contains the image URL.

3. Select More Options > Capture HTML, check and make sure that the HTML displayed contains the image URL

4. Select More Options > Apply Regular Expression, to select the image URL from the HTML displayed - check this

5. Paste the correct RegEx string (as explained here) and click Apply button, to get only the image URL from the HTML. href="([^"]*) or src="([^"]*) or image-url="([^"]*) usually works, but this depends on the HTML code.

6.  Now click the Capture Image button. WebHarvy will automatically identify that there are multiple product images and will ask whether to download all of them. Select Yes.

Watch Video: WebHarvy Image Scraping Tutorial

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